Demostraciones de "s ∩ (s ∪ t) = s"
Se ha añadido el ejercicio Demostraciones de "s ∩ (s ∪ t) = s", propuesto originalmente el 25 de mayo de 2021.
Se ha añadido el ejercicio Demostraciones de "s ∩ (s ∪ t) = s", propuesto originalmente el 25 de mayo de 2021.
Se ha añadido el ejercicio Demostraciones con Lean4 e Isabelle/HOL de "s ∩ t = t ∩ s" propuesto el 24 de mayo de 2021.
Prove with Lean4 and with Isabelle/HOL the Praeclarum theorema of Leibniz: \[ (p ⟶ q) ∧ (r ⟶ s) ⟶ ((p ∧ r) ⟶ (q ∧ s)) \]
Prove the Nicomachus's theorem which states that the sum of the cubes of the first \(n\) natural numbers is equal to the square of the sum of the first \(n\) natural numbers; that is, for any natural number n we have \[ 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + n^3 = (1 + 2 + ... + n)^2 \]
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs import Mathlib.Tactic open Nat variable ( n : ℕ) def sum : ℕ → ℕ | 0 => 0 | succ n => sum n + (n+1) def sumCubes : ℕ → ℕ | 0 => 0 | n+1 => sumCubes n + (n+1)^3 example : sumCubes n = (sum n)^2 := by sorry
In Lean4, a sequence \(u_0, u_1, u_2, ...\) can be represented by a function \(u : ℕ → ℝ\) such that \(u(n)\) is \(u_n\).
It is defined that the sequence \(u\) tends to \(c\) by:
def TendsTo (u : ℕ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) := ∀ ε > 0, ∃ k, ∀ n ≥ k, |u n - c| < ε
Prove that if \(u_n\) tends to \(a\) and \(v_n\) tends to \(b\), then \(u_nv_n\) tends to \(ab\).
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic variable {u v : ℕ → ℝ} variable {a b : ℝ} def TendsTo (u : ℕ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) := ∀ ε > 0, ∃ k, ∀ n ≥ k, |u n - c| < ε example (hu : TendsTo u a) (hv : TendsTo v b) : TendsTo (fun n ↦ u n * v n) (a * b) := by sorry
In Lean, a sequence \(u_₀, u_₁, u_₂, ... \) can be represented by a function \(u : ℕ → ℝ\) such that \(u(n)\) is \(u_n\).
It is defined that \(a\) is the limit of the sequence \(u\), by
def limite : (ℕ → ℝ) → ℝ → Prop := fun u c ↦ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |u n - c| < ε
Prove that if the limit of \(u_n\) is \(a\), then the limit of \(u_nc\) is \(ac\).
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic variable (u : ℕ → ℝ) variable (a c : ℝ) def TendsTo : (ℕ → ℝ) → ℝ → Prop := fun u c ↦ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |u n - c| < ε example (h : TendsTo u a) : TendsTo (fun n ↦ (u n) * c) (a * c) := by sorry
In Lean, a sequence \(u_0, u_1, u_2, ...\) can be represented by a function \(u : ℕ → ℝ\) such that \(u(n)\) is the term \(u_n\).
We define that \(u\) tends to \(a\) by
def tendsTo : (ℕ → ℝ) → ℝ → Prop := fun u c ↦ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |u n - c| < ε
Prove that if \(u_n\) tends to \(a\), then \(7u\_n\) tends to \(7a\).
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Tactic variable {u : ℕ → ℝ} variable {a : ℝ} def tendsTo : (ℕ → ℝ) → ℝ → Prop := fun u c ↦ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |u n - c| < ε example (h : tendsTo u a) : tendsTo (fun n ↦ 7 * u n) (7 * a) := by sorry
Prove the pigeonhole principle; that is, if \(S\) is a finite set and \(T\) and \(U\) are subsets of \(S\) such that the number of elements of \(S\) is less than the sum of the number of elements of \(T\) and \(U\), then the intersection of \(T\) and \(U\) is non-empty.
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Card open Finset variable [DecidableEq α] variable {s t u : Finset α} set_option pp.fieldNotation false example (hts : t ⊆ s) (hus : u ⊆ s) (hstu : card s < card t + card u) : Finset.Nonempty (t ∩ u) := by sorry
Prove that if \(f ∘ f\) is bijective, then \(f\) is bijective.
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Tactic open Function variable {X Y Z : Type} variable {f : X → Y} variable {g : Y → Z} example (f : X → X) (h : Bijective (f ∘ f)) : Bijective f := by sorry
Prove the Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity \[ (a^2 + b^2)(c^2 + d^2) = (ac - bd)^2 + (ad + bc)^2 \]
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic import Mathlib.Tactic variable (a b c d : ℝ) example : (a^2 + b^2) * (c^2 + d^2) = (a*c - b*d)^2 + (a*d + b*c)^2 := sorry