Las relaciones reflexivas y circulares son simétricas
Se dice que la relación binaria \(R\) es
- reflexiva si \((∀x)R(x, x)\)
- circular si \((∀x, y, z)[R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, x)]\)
- simétrica si \((∀x, y)[R(x, y) ⟶ R(y, x)]\)
Demostrar que las relaciones reflexivas y circulares son simétricas. Para ello, completar la siguiente teoría de Isabelle/HOL:
theory Las_reflexivas_circulares_son_simetricas imports Main begin lemma assumes "∀x. R(x, x)" "∀x y z. R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, x)" shows "∀x y. R(x, y) ⟶ R(y, x)" oops end
theory Las_reflexivas_circulares_son_simetricas imports Main begin (* 1ª demostración *) lemma assumes "∀x. R(x, x)" "∀x y z. R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, x)" shows "∀x y. R(x, y) ⟶ R(y, x)" using assms by blast (* 2ª demostración *) lemma assumes "∀x. R(x, x)" "∀x y z. R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, x)" shows "∀x y. R(x, y) ⟶ R(y, x)" proof (rule allI)+ fix a b show "R (a, b) ⟶ R (b, a)" proof (rule impI) assume "R(a , b)" have "R(b, b)" using assms(1) .. with `R(a, b)` have "R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b)" .. have "∀y z. R(a, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, a)" using assms(2) .. then have "∀z. R(a, b) ∧ R(b, z) ⟶R(z, a)" .. then have "R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b) ⟶R(b, a)" .. then show "R(b, a)" using `R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b)` .. qed qed (* 3º demostración *) lemma assumes "∀x. R(x, x)" "∀x y z. R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, x)" shows "∀x y. R(x, y) ⟶ R(y, x)" proof (rule allI)+ fix a b show "R (a, b) ⟶ R (b, a)" proof (rule impI) assume "R(a, b)" have "R(b, b)" using assms(1) by (rule allE) with `R(a, b)` have "R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b)" by (rule conjI) have "∀y z. R(a, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟶ R(z, a)" using assms(2) by (rule allE) then have "∀z. R(a, b) ∧ R(b, z) ⟶R(z, a)" by (rule allE) then have "R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b) ⟶R(b, a)" by (rule allE) then show "R(b, a)" using `R(a, b) ∧ R(b, b)` by (rule mp) qed qed end