Ir al contenido principal

Si una función es creciente e involutiva, entonces es la identidad

Sea una función \(f\) de \(ℝ\) en \(ℝ\).

  • Se dice que \(f\) es creciente si para todo \(x\) e \(y\) tales que \(x ≤ y\) se tiene que \(f(x) ≤ f(y)\).
  • Se dice que \(f\) es involutiva si para todo \(x\) se tiene que \(f(f(x)) = x\).

En Lean4 que \(f\) sea creciente se representa por Monotone f y que sea involutiva por Involutive f

Demostrar con Lean4 que si \(f\) es creciente e involutiva, entonces \(f\) es la identidad.

Para ello, completar la siguiente teoría de Lean4:

import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
open Function

variable (f :   )

  (hc : Monotone f)
  (hi : Involutive f)
  : f = id :=
by sorry

1. Demostración en lenguaje natural

Tenemos que demostrar que para todo \(x ∈ ℝ\), \(f(x) = x\). Sea \(x ∈ ℝ\). Entonces, por ser \(f\) involutiva, se tiene que \[ f(f(x)) = x \tag{1} \] Además, por las propiedades del orden, se tiene que \(f(x) ≤ x\) ó \(x ≤ f(x)\). Demostraremos que \(f(x) = x\) en los dos casos.

Caso 1: Supongamos que \[ f(x) ≤ x \tag{2} \] Entonces, por ser \(f\) creciente, se tiene que \[ f(f(x)) ≤ f(x) \tag{3} \] Sustituyendo (1) en (3), se tiene \[ x ≤ f(x) \] que junto con (1) da \[ f(x) = x \]

Caso 2: Supongamos que \[ x ≤ f(x) \tag{4} \] Entonces, por ser \(f\) creciente, se tiene que \[ f(x) ≤ f(f(x)) \tag{5} \] Sustituyendo (1) en (5), se tiene \[ f(x) ≤ x \] que junto con (4) da \[ f(x) = x \]

2. Demostraciones con Lean4

import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
open Function

variable (f :   )

-- 1ª demostración
  (hc : Monotone f)
  (hi : Involutive f)
  : f = id :=
  funext x
  -- x : ℝ
  -- ⊢ f x = id x
  have h : f (f x) = x := hi x
  cases' (le_total (f x) x) with h1 h2
  . -- h1 : f x ≤ x
    have h1a : f (f x)  f x := hc h1
    have h1b : x  f x := by rwa [h] at h1a
    show f x = x
    exact antisymm h1 h1b
  . -- h2 : x ≤ f x
    have h2a : f x  f (f x) := hc h2
    have h2b : f x  x := by rwa [h] at h2a
    show f x = x
    exact antisymm h2b h2

-- 2ª demostración
  (hc : Monotone f)
  (hi : Involutive f)
  : f = id :=
  unfold Monotone Involutive at *
  -- hc : ∀ ⦃a b : ℝ⦄, a ≤ b → f a ≤ f b
  -- hi : ∀ (x : ℝ), f (f x) = x
  funext x
  -- x : ℝ
  -- ⊢ f x = id x
  unfold id
  -- ⊢ f x = x
  cases' (le_total (f x) x) with h1 h2
  . -- h1 : f x ≤ x
    apply antisymm h1
    -- ⊢ x ≤ f x
    have h3 : f (f x)  f x := by
      apply hc
      -- ⊢ f x ≤ x
      exact h1
    rwa [hi] at h3
  . -- h2 : x ≤ f x
    apply antisymm _ h2
    -- ⊢ f x ≤ x
    have h4 : f x  f (f x) := by
      apply hc
      -- ⊢ x ≤ f x
      exact h2
    rwa [hi] at h4

-- 3ª demostración
  (hc : Monotone f)
  (hi : Involutive f)
  : f = id :=
  funext x
  -- x : ℝ
  -- ⊢ f x = id x
  cases' (le_total (f x) x) with h1 h2
  . -- h1 : f x ≤ x
    apply antisymm h1
    -- ⊢ x ≤ f x
    have h3 : f (f x)  f x := hc h1
    rwa [hi] at h3
  . -- h2 : x ≤ f x
    apply antisymm _ h2
    -- ⊢ f x ≤ x
    have h4 : f x  f (f x) := hc h2
    rwa [hi] at h4

-- 4ª demostración
  (hc : Monotone f)
  (hi : Involutive f)
  : f = id :=
  funext x
  -- x : ℝ
  -- ⊢ f x = id x
  cases' (le_total (f x) x) with h1 h2
  . -- h1 : f x ≤ x
    apply antisymm h1
    -- ⊢ x ≤ f x
    calc x
         = f (f x) := (hi x).symm
       _  f x     := hc h1
  . -- h2 : x ≤ f x
    apply antisymm _ h2
    -- ⊢ f x ≤ x
    calc f x
          f (f x) := hc h2
       _ = x       := hi x

-- Lemas usados
-- ============

-- variable (a b : ℝ)
-- #check (le_total a b : a ≤ b ∨ b ≤ a)
-- #check (antisymm : a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b)

Se puede interactuar con las demostraciones anteriores en Lean 4 Web.

3. Demostraciones con Isabelle/HOL

theory Una_funcion_creciente_e_involutiva_es_la_identidad
imports Main HOL.Real

definition involutiva :: "(real ⇒ real) ⇒ bool"
  where "involutiva f ⟷ (∀x. f (f x) = x)"

(* 1ª demostración *)

  fixes f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "mono f"
          "involutiva f"
  shows   "f = id"
proof (unfold fun_eq_iff; intro allI)
  fix x
  have "x ≤ f x ∨ f x ≤ x"
    by (rule linear)
  then have "f x = x"
  proof (rule disjE)
    assume "x ≤ f x"
    then have "f x ≤ f (f x)"
      using assms(1) by (simp only: monoD)
    also have "… = x"
      using assms(2) by (simp only: involutiva_def)
    finally have "f x ≤ x"
      by this
    show "f x = x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› ‹x ≤ f x› by (simp only: antisym)
    assume "f x ≤ x"
    have "x = f (f x)"
      using assms(2) by (simp only: involutiva_def)
    also have "... ≤ f x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› assms(1) by (simp only: monoD)
    finally have "x ≤ f x"
      by this
    show "f x = x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› ‹x ≤ f x› by (simp only: monoD)
  then show "f x = id x"
    by (simp only: id_apply)

(* 2ª demostración *)

  fixes f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "mono f"
          "involutiva f"
  shows   "f = id"
  fix x
  have "x ≤ f x ∨ f x ≤ x"
    by (rule linear)
  then have "f x = x"
    assume "x ≤ f x"
    then have "f x ≤ f (f x)"
      using assms(1) by (simp only: monoD)
    also have "… = x"
      using assms(2) by (simp only: involutiva_def)
    finally have "f x ≤ x"
      by this
    show "f x = x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› ‹x ≤ f x› by auto
    assume "f x ≤ x"
    have "x = f (f x)"
      using assms(2) by (simp only: involutiva_def)
    also have "... ≤ f x"
      by (simp add: ‹f x ≤ x› assms(1) monoD)
    finally have "x ≤ f x"
      by this
    show "f x = x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› ‹x ≤ f x› by auto
  then show "f x = id x"
    by simp

(* 3ª demostración *)

  fixes f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "mono f"
          "involutiva f"
  shows   "f = id"
  fix x
  have "x ≤ f x ∨ f x ≤ x"
    by (rule linear)
  then have "f x = x"
    assume "x ≤ f x"
    then have "f x ≤ x"
      by (metis assms involutiva_def mono_def)
    then show "f x = x"
      using ‹x ≤ f x› by auto
    assume "f x ≤ x"
    then have "x ≤ f x"
      by (metis assms involutiva_def mono_def)
    then show "f x = x"
      using ‹f x ≤ x› by auto
  then show "f x = id x"
    by simp
