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If x is the limit of u and y is an upper bound of u, then x ≤ y

In Lean4, we can define that \(a\) is the limit of the sequence \(u\) by:

   def is_limit (u :   ) (a : ) :=
      ε > 0,  k,  n  k, |u n - a| < ε

and that \(a\) is an upper bound of \(u\) by:

   def is_upper_bound (u :   ) (a : ) :=
      n, u n  a

Prove that if \(x\) is the limit of the sequence \(u\) and \(y\) is an upper bound of \(u\), then \(x ≤ y\).

To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:

import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic

variable  (u :   )
variable (x y : )

def is_limit (u :   ) (a : ) :=
   ε > 0,  k,  n  k, |u n - a| < ε

def is_upper_bound (u :   ) (a : ) :=
   n, u n  a

  (hx : is_limit u x)
  (hy : is_upper_bound u y)
  : x  y :=
by sorry

1. Proof in natural language

Let us consider the property from the previous exercise, which states that for all \(x, y ∈ ℝ\): \[ (∀ ε > 0, y ≤ x + ε) → y ≤ x \]

To prove \(x ≤ y\), it suffices to show that: \[ ∀ ε > 0, x ≤ y + ε \]

Let \(ε > 0\). Since \(x\) is the limit of the sequence \(u\), there exists a \(k ∈ ℕ\) such that: \[ ∀ n ≥ k, |u(n) - x| < ε \] In particular, we have: \[ |u(k) - x| < ε \] from which it follows that \[ -ε < u(k) - x \] and rearranging gives us \[ x < u(k) + ε \tag{1} \]

Since \(y\) is an upper bound of \(u\), it follows that: \[ u(k) < y \tag{2} \]

Combining (1) and (2), we obtain \[ x < y + ε \] which completes the proof.

2. Proofs with Lean4

import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic

variable  (u :   )
variable (x y : )

def is_limit (u :   ) (a : ) :=
   ε > 0,  k,  n  k, |u n - a| < ε

def is_upper_bound (u :   ) (a : ) :=
   n, u n  a

-- Proof 1
-- =======

  (hx : is_limit u x)
  (hy : is_upper_bound u y)
  : x  y :=
  apply le_of_forall_pos_le_add
  -- ⊢ ∀ ε > 0, x ≤ y + ε
  intros ε 
  -- ε : ℝ
  -- hε : ε > 0
  -- ⊢ x ≤ y + ε
  rcases hx ε  with k, hk
  -- k : ℕ
  -- hk : ∀ n ≥ k, |u n - x| < ε
  specialize hk k (le_refl k)
  -- hk : |u k - x| < ε
  replace hk : -ε < u k - x := neg_lt_of_abs_lt hk
  replace hk : x < u k + ε := neg_lt_sub_iff_lt_add'.mp hk
  apply le_of_lt
  -- ⊢ x < y + ε
  exact lt_add_of_lt_add_right hk (hy k)

-- Proof 2
-- =======

  (hx : is_limit u x)
  (hy : is_upper_bound u y)
  : x  y :=
  apply le_of_forall_pos_le_add
  -- ⊢ ∀ ε > 0, x ≤ y + ε
  intros ε 
  -- ε : ℝ
  -- hε : ε > 0
  -- ⊢ x ≤ y + ε
  rcases hx ε  with k, hk
  -- k : ℕ
  -- hk : ∀ n ≥ k, |u n - x| < ε
  specialize hk k (le_refl k)
  -- hk : |u k - x| < ε
  apply le_of_lt
  -- ⊢ x < y + ε
  calc x < u k + ε := neg_lt_sub_iff_lt_add'.mp (neg_lt_of_abs_lt hk)
       _  y + ε   := add_le_add_right (hy k) ε

-- Proof 3
-- =======

  (hx : is_limit u x)
  (hy : is_upper_bound u y)
  : x  y :=
  apply le_of_forall_pos_le_add
  -- ⊢ ∀ ε > 0, x ≤ y + ε
  intros ε 
  -- ε : ℝ
  -- hε : ε > 0
  -- ⊢ x ≤ y + ε
  rcases hx ε  with k, hk
  -- k : ℕ
  -- hk : ∀ n ≥ k, |u n - x| < ε
  specialize hk k (by linarith)
  rw [abs_lt] at hk
  -- hk : -ε < u k - x ∧ u k - x < ε
  linarith [hy k]

-- Used lemmas
-- ===========

-- variable (n : ℕ)
-- variable (a b c d : ℝ)
-- #check (add_le_add_right : b ≤ c → ∀ (a : ℝ),  b + a ≤ c + a)
-- #check (le_of_forall_pos_le_add : (∀ ε > 0, y ≤ x + ε) → y ≤ x)
-- #check (le_of_lt : a < b → a ≤ b)
-- #check (le_refl n : n ≤ n)
-- #check (lt_add_of_lt_add_right : a < b + c → b ≤ d → a < d + c)
-- #check (neg_lt_of_abs_lt : |a| < b → -b < a)
-- #check (neg_lt_sub_iff_lt_add' : -b < a - c ↔ c < a + b)

You can interact with the previous proofs at Lean 4 Web.

3. Proofs with Isabelle/HOL

theory Limits_are_less_than_or_equal_to_upper_bounds
imports Main HOL.Real

definition is_limit :: "(nat ⇒ real) ⇒ real ⇒ bool" where
  "is_limit u c ⟷ (∀ε>0. ∃k. ∀n≥k. ¦u n - c¦ < ε)"

definition is_upper_bound :: "(nat ⇒ real) ⇒ real ⇒ bool" where
  "is_upper_bound u c ⟷ (∀n. u n ≤ c)"

(* Proof 1 *)
  fixes x y :: real
  assumes "is_limit u x"
          "is_upper_bound u y"
  shows   "x ≤ y"
proof (rule field_le_epsilon)
  fix ε :: real
  assume "0 < ε"
  then obtain k where hk : "∀n≥k. ¦u n - x¦ < ε"
    using assms(1) is_limit_def by auto
  then have "¦u k - x¦ < ε"
    by simp
  then have "-ε < u k - x"
    by simp
  then have "x < u k + ε"
    by simp
  moreover have "u k ≤ y"
    using assms(2) is_upper_bound_def by simp
  ultimately show "x ≤ y + ε"
    by simp

(* Proof 2 *)
  fixes x y :: real
  assumes "is_limit u x"
          "is_upper_bound u y"
  shows   "x ≤ y"
proof (rule field_le_epsilon)
  fix ε :: real
  assume "0 < ε"
  then obtain k where hk : "∀n≥k. ¦u n - x¦ < ε"
    using assms(1) is_limit_def by auto
  then have "x < u k + ε"
    by auto
  moreover have "u k ≤ y"
    using assms(2) is_upper_bound_def by simp
  ultimately show "x ≤ y + ε"
    by simp

(* Proof 3 *)
  fixes x y :: real
  assumes "is_limit u x"
          "is_upper_bound u y"
  shows   "x ≤ y"
proof (rule field_le_epsilon)
  fix ε :: real
  assume "0 < ε"
  then obtain k where hk : "∀n≥k. ¦u n - x¦ < ε"
    using assms(1) is_limit_def by auto
  then show "x ≤ y + ε"
    using assms(2) is_upper_bound_def
    by (smt (verit) order_refl)


Note: The code for the previous proofs can be found in the Calculemus repository on GitHub.