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Proofs of 0³+1³+2³+3³+···+n³ = (n(n+1)/2)²

Prove that the sum of the first cubes \[ 0^3 + 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ··· + n^3 \] is \[ \dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}^2 \]

To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:

import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs
import Mathlib.Tactic

open Nat

variable (n : )

def sumCubes :   
  | 0   => 0
  | n+1 => sumCubes n + (n+1)^3

example :
  4 * sumCubes n = (n*(n+1))^2 :=
by sorry

1. Proof in natural language

Let \[ s(n) = 0^3 + 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ··· + n^3 \] We have to prove that \[ s(n) = \dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}^2 \] or, equivalently that \[ 4s(n) = (n(n+1))^2 \] We will do this by induction on n.

Base case: Let \(n = 0\). Then, \begin{align} 4s(n) &= 4s(0) \newline &= 4·0 \newline &= 0 \newline &= (0(0 + 1))^2 \newline &= (n(n + 1))^2 \end{align}

Induction step: Let \(n = m+1\) and assume the induction hypothesis (IH) \[ 4s(m) = (m(m + 1))^2 \] Entonces, \begin{align} 4s(n) &= 4s(m+1) \newline &= 4(s(m) + (m+1)^3) \newline &= 4s(m) + 4(m+1)^3 \newline &= (m(m+1))^2 + 4(m+1)^3 &&\text{[by IH]} \newline &= (m+1)^2(m^2+4m+4) \newline &= (m+1)^2(m+2)^2 \newline &= ((m+1)(m+2))^2 \newline &= ((m+1)(m+1+1))^2 \end{align}

2. Proofs with Lean4

import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs
import Mathlib.Tactic

open Nat

variable (n : )

set_option pp.fieldNotation false

def sumCubes :   
  | 0   => 0
  | n+1 => sumCubes n + (n+1)^3

-- Proof 1
-- =======

example :
  4 * sumCubes n = (n*(n+1))^2 :=
  induction n with
  | zero =>
    -- ⊢ 4 * sumCubes 0 = (0 * (0 + 1)) ^ 2
    calc 4 * sumCubes 0
         = 4 * 0             := by simp only [sumCubes]
       _ = (0 * (0 + 1)) ^ 2 := by simp
  | succ m IH =>
     -- m : ℕ
     -- IH : 4 * sumCubes m = (m * (m + 1)) ^ 2
     -- ⊢ 4 * sumCubes (m + 1) = ((m + 1) * (m + 1 + 1)) ^ 2
    calc 4 * sumCubes (m + 1)
         = 4 * (sumCubes m + (m+1)^3)
           := by simp only [sumCubes]
       _ = 4 * sumCubes m + 4*(m+1)^3
           := by ring
       _ = (m*(m+1))^2 + 4*(m+1)^3
           := congrArg (. + 4*(m+1)^3) IH
       _ = (m+1)^2*(m^2+4*m+4)
           := by ring
       _ = (m+1)^2*(m+2)^2
           := by ring
       _ = ((m+1)*(m+2))^2
           := by ring
       _ = ((m+1) * (m+1+1))^2
           := by simp

-- Proof 2
-- =======

example :
  4 * sumCubes n = (n*(n+1))^2 :=
  induction n with
  | zero =>
    -- ⊢ 4 * sumCubes 0 = (0 * (0 + 1)) ^ 2
  | succ m IH =>
     -- m : ℕ
     -- IH : 4 * sumCubes m = (m * (m + 1)) ^ 2
     -- ⊢ 4 * sumCubes (m + 1) = ((m + 1) * (m + 1 + 1)) ^ 2
    calc 4 * sumCubes (m+1)
         = 4 * sumCubes m + 4*(m+1)^3
           := by {simp ; ring_nf}
       _ = (m*(m+1))^2 + 4*(m+1)^3
           := congrArg (. + 4*(m+1)^3) IH
       _ = ((m+1)*(m+2))^2
           := by ring
       _ = ((m+1) * (m+1+1)) ^ 2
           := by simp

You can interact with the previous proofs at Lean 4 Web.

3. Proofs with Isabelle/HOL

theory Sum_of_the_first_cubes
imports Main

fun sumCubes :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
  "sumCubes 0       = 0"
| "sumCubes (Suc n) = sumCubes n + (Suc n)^3"

(* Proof 1 *)
  "4 * sumCubes n = (n*(n+1))^2"
proof (induct n)
  show "4 * sumCubes 0 = (0 * (0 + 1))^2"
    by simp
  fix n
  assume IH : "4 * sumCubes n = (n * (n + 1))^2"
  have "4 * sumCubes (Suc n) = 4 * (sumCubes n + (n+1)^3)"
    by simp
  also have "… = 4 * sumCubes n + 4*(n+1)^3"
    by simp
  also have "… = (n*(n+1))^2 + 4*(n+1)^3"
    using IH by simp
  also have "… = (n+1)^2*(n^2+4*n+4)"
    by algebra
  also have "… = (n+1)^2*(n+2)^2"
    by algebra
  also have "… = ((n+1)*((n+1)+1))^2"
    by algebra
  also have "… = (Suc n * (Suc n + 1))^2"
    by (simp only: Suc_eq_plus1)
  finally show "4 * sumCubes (Suc n) = (Suc n * (Suc n + 1))^2"
    by this

(* Proof 2 *)
  "4 * sumCubes n = (n*(n+1))^2"
proof (induct n)
  show "4 * sumCubes 0 = (0 * (0 + 1))^2"
    by simp
  fix n
  assume IH : "4 * sumCubes n = (n * (n + 1))^2"
  have "4 * sumCubes (Suc n) = 4 * sumCubes n + 4*(n+1)^3"
    by simp
  also have "… = (n*(n+1))^2 + 4*(n+1)^3"
    using IH by simp
  also have "… = ((n+1)*((n+1)+1))^2"
    by algebra
  also have "… = (Suc n * (Suc n + 1))^2"
    by (simp only: Suc_eq_plus1)
  finally show "4 * sumCubes (Suc n) = (Suc n * (Suc n + 1))^2" .


Note: The code for the previous proofs can be found in the Calculemus repository on GitHub.