Proofs of "∑i<n. i = n(n-1)/2"
Gauss's formula for the sum of the first natural numbers is \[ 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + (n-1) = \dfrac{n(n-1)}{2} \] that is, \[ \sum_{i < n} i = \dfrac{n(n-1)}{2} \]
In a previous exercise, this formula was proven by induction. Another way to prove it, without using induction, is the following: The sum can be written in two ways \begin{align} S &= &0 &+ &1 &+ &2 &+ ... &+ &(n-3) &+ &(n-2) &+ &(n-1) \newline S &= &(n-1) &+ &(n-2) &+ &(n-3) &+ ... &+ &2 &+ &1 &+ &0 \end{align} By adding, we observe that each pair of numbers in the same column sums to (n-1), and since there are n columns in total, it follows that \[ 2S = n(n-1) \] which proves the formula.
Prove Gauss's formula by following the above procedure.
To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Intervals import Mathlib.Tactic open Finset Nat variable (n i : ℕ) example : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by sorry
1. Proof in natural language
It suffices to prove that \[ 2\sum_{i<n} i = n(n-1) \] which is proven by the following chain of equalities \begin{align} 2\sum_{i<n} i &= \sum_{i<n} i + \sum_{i<n} i \newline &= \sum_{i<n} i + \sum_{i<n} ((n - 1) - i) \newline &= \sum_{i<n} (i + ((n - 1) - i)) \newline &= \sum_{i<n} (n - 1) \newline &= n(n - 1) \end{align}
2. Proofs with Lean4
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Intervals import Mathlib.Tactic open Finset Nat variable (n i : ℕ) -- Auxiliary Lemma -- =============== example : ∀ x, x ∈ range n → x + (n - 1 - x) = n - 1 := by intros x hx -- x : ℕ -- hx : x ∈ range n -- ⊢ x + ((n - 1) - x) = n - 1 replace hx : x < n := hx replace hx : x ≤ n - 1 := le_pred_of_lt hx exact add_sub_of_le hx -- 2nd proof of the auxiliary lemma example : ∀ x, x ∈ range n → x + (n - 1 - x) = n - 1 := by intros x hx -- x : ℕ -- hx : x ∈ range n -- ⊢ x + (n - 1 - x) = n - 1 exact add_sub_of_le (le_pred_of_lt (mem_range.1 hx)) -- 3rd proof of the auxiliary lemma lemma auxiliar : ∀ x, x ∈ range n → x + (n - 1 - x) = n - 1 := fun _ hx ↦ add_sub_of_le (le_pred_of_lt (mem_range.1 hx)) -- Main lemma -- ========== -- Proof 1 example : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by suffices _ : (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = n * (n - 1) by omega calc (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = (∑ i ∈ range n, i) + (∑ i ∈ range n, i) := mul_two _ _ = (∑ i ∈ range n, i) + (∑ i ∈ range n, (n - 1 - i)) := congrArg ((∑ i ∈ range n, i) + .) (sum_range_reflect id n).symm _ = ∑ i ∈ range n, (i + (n - 1 - i)) := sum_add_distrib.symm _ = ∑ i ∈ range n, (n - 1) := sum_congr rfl (by exact fun x a => auxiliar n x a) _ = card (range n) • (n - 1) := sum_const (n - 1) _ = card (range n) * (n - 1) := nsmul_eq_mul _ _ _ = n * (n - 1) := congrArg (. * (n - 1)) (card_range n) -- Proof 2 example : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by suffices _ : (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = n * (n - 1) by omega calc (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = (∑ i ∈ range n, i) + (∑ i ∈ range n, (n - 1 - i)) := by rw [sum_range_reflect (fun i => i) n, mul_two] _ = ∑ i ∈ range n, (i + (n - 1 - i)) := sum_add_distrib.symm _ = ∑ i ∈ range n, (n - 1) := sum_congr rfl (auxiliar n) _ = n * (n - 1) := by rw [sum_const, card_range, Nat.nsmul_eq_mul] -- Proof 3 example : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by suffices _ : (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = n * (n - 1) by omega show (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = n * (n - 1) exact sum_range_id_mul_two n -- Proof 4 example : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2 := by rw [← sum_range_id_mul_two n] -- ⊢ ∑ i ∈ range n, i = (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 / 2 rw [Nat.mul_div_cancel _ zero_lt_two] -- Proof 5 example : (∑ i ∈ range n, i) = n * (n - 1) / 2 := sum_range_id n -- Used lemmas -- =========== -- variable (m : ℕ) -- variable (f g : ℕ → ℕ) -- variable (s t : Finset ℕ) -- #check (Nat.mul_div_cancel m : 0 < n → m * n / n = m) -- #check (add_sub_of_le : n ≤ m → n + (m - n) = m) -- #check (card_range n : card (range n) = n) -- #check (le_pred_of_lt : n < m → n ≤ m - 1) -- #check (mem_range : m ∈ range n ↔ m < n) -- #check (mul_two n : n * 2 = n + n) -- #check (nsmul_eq_mul m n : m • n = m * n) -- #check (sum_add_distrib : ∑ x ∈ s, (f x + g x) = ∑ x ∈ s, f x + ∑ x ∈ s, g x) -- #check (sum_congr : s = t → (∀ x ∈ t, f x = g x) → s.sum f = t.sum g) -- #check (sum_const m : ∑ _ ∈ s, m = card s • m) -- #check (sum_range_id n : ∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2) -- #check (sum_range_id_mul_two n : (∑ i ∈ range n, i) * 2 = n * (n - 1)) -- #check (sum_range_reflect f n : ∑ j ∈ range n, f (n - 1 - j) = ∑ j ∈ range n, f j)
You can interact with the previous proofs at Lean 4 Web.
3. Proofs with Isabelle/HOL
theory Gauss_formula_for_summation imports Main begin lemma fixes n :: nat shows "2 * (∑i<n. i) = n * (n - 1)" proof - have "2 * (∑i<n. i) = (∑i<n. i) + (∑i<n. i)" by simp also have "… = (∑i<n. i) + (∑i<n. n - Suc i)" using sum.nat_diff_reindex [where g = id] by auto also have "… = (∑i<n. (i + (n - Suc i)))" using sum.distrib [where A = "{..<n}" and g = id and h = "λi. n - Suc i"] by auto also have "… = (∑i<n. n - 1)" by simp also have "… = n * (n -1)" using sum_constant by auto finally show "2 * (∑i<n. i) = n * (n - 1)" . qed end
Note: The code for the previous proofs can be found in the Calculemus repository on GitHub.