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Pigeonhole principle

Prove the pigeonhole principle; that is, if \(S\) is a finite set and \(T\) and \(U\) are subsets of \(S\) such that the number of elements of \(S\) is less than the sum of the number of elements of \(T\) and \(U\), then the intersection of \(T\) and \(U\) is non-empty.

To do this, complete the following Lean4 theory:

import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Card

open Finset

variable [DecidableEq α]
variable {s t u : Finset α}

set_option pp.fieldNotation false

  (hts : t  s)
  (hus : u  s)
  (hstu : card s < card t + card u)
  : Finset.Nonempty (t  u) :=
by sorry

1. Proof in natural language

By contradiction. For this, let's assume that \[ T ∩ U = ∅ \tag{1} \] and we have to prove that \[ \text{card}(T) + \text{card}(U) ≤ \text{card}(S) \tag{2} \]

The inequality (2) is proved by the following chain of relations: \begin{align} \text{card}(T) + \text{card}(U) &= \text{card}(T ∪ U) + \text{card}(T ∩ U) \newline &= \text{card}(T ∪ U) + 0 &&\text{[by (1)]} \newline &= \text{card}(T ∪ U) \newline &≤ \text{card}(S) &&\text{[because \(T ⊆ S\) and \(U ⊆ S\)]} \end{align}

2. Proofs with Lean4

import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Card

open Finset

variable [DecidableEq α]
variable {s t u : Finset α}

set_option pp.fieldNotation false

-- Proof 1
-- =======

  (hts : t  s)
  (hus : u  s)
  (hstu : card s < card t + card u)
  : Finset.Nonempty (t  u) :=
  contrapose! hstu
  -- hstu : ¬Finset.Nonempty (t ∩ u)
  -- ⊢ card t + card u ≤ card s
  have h1 : t  u =  := hstu
  have h2 : card (t  u) = 0 := card_eq_zero.mpr h1
    card t + card u
      = card (t  u) + card (t  u) := (card_union_add_card_inter t u).symm
    _ = card (t  u) + 0            := congrArg (card (t  u) + .) h2
    _ = card (t  u)                := add_zero (card (t  u))
    _  card s                      := card_le_card (union_subset hts hus)

-- Proof 2
-- =======

  (hts : t  s)
  (hus : u  s)
  (hstu : card s < card t + card u)
  : Finset.Nonempty (t  u) :=
  contrapose! hstu
  -- hstu : ¬Finset.Nonempty (t ∩ u)
  -- ⊢ card t + card u ≤ card s
    card t + card u
      = card (t  u) + card (t  u) :=
          (card_union_add_card_inter t u).symm
    _ = card (t  u) + 0 :=
          congrArg (card (t  u) + .) (card_eq_zero.mpr ( hstu))
    _ = card (t  u) :=
          add_zero (card (t  u))
    _  card s :=
          card_le_card (union_subset hts hus)

-- Proof 3
-- =======

  (hts : t  s)
  (hus : u  s)
  (hstu : card s < card t + card u)
  : Finset.Nonempty (t  u) :=
  contrapose! hstu
  -- hstu : ¬Finset.Nonempty (t ∩ u)
  -- ⊢ card t + card u ≤ card s
    card t + card u
      = card (t  u) := by simp [ card_union_add_card_inter,
                                 not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty.1 hstu]
    _  card s       := by gcongr; exact union_subset hts hus

-- Proof 4
-- =======

  (hts : t  s)
  (hus : u  s)
  (hstu : card s < card t + card u)
  : Finset.Nonempty (t  u) :=
inter_nonempty_of_card_lt_card_add_card hts hus hstu

-- Used lemmas
-- ===========

-- variable (a : ℕ)
-- #check (add_zero a : a + 0 = a)
-- #check (card_eq_zero : card s = 0 ↔ s = ∅)
-- #check (card_le_card : s ⊆ t → card s ≤ card t)
-- #check (card_union_add_card_inter s t : card (s ∪ t) + card (s ∩ t) =card s + card t)
-- #check (inter_nonempty_of_card_lt_card_add_card : t ⊆ s → u ⊆ s → card s < card t + card u → Finset.Nonempty (t ∩ u))
-- #check (not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty : ¬Finset.Nonempty s ↔ s = ∅)
-- #check (union_subset : s ⊆ u → t ⊆ u → s ∪ t ⊆ u)

You can interact with the previous proofs at Lean 4 Web.