Readings shared February 28, 2025
The readings shared in Bluesky on 28 February 2025 are
- Is mathematics obsolete? ~ Jeremy Avigad. #Math #ITP #LeanProver #AI #LLMs
- Faithful logic embeddings in HOL (A recipe to have it all: deep and shallow, automated and interactive, heavy and light, proofs and counterexamples, meta and object level). ~ Christoph Benzmüller. #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Logic
- Mathematical introduction to deep learning: Methods, implementations, and theory. ~ Arnulf Jentzen, Benno Kuckuck, Philippe von Wurstemberger. #AI #DeepLearning #Math
- Teaching LLMs according to their aptitude: Adaptive reasoning for mathematical problem solving. ~ Xin Xu et als. #AI #LLMs #Math
- Homo ratiocinator (reckoning human). ~ Moshe Y. Vardi. #Logic #CompSci
- PPA: Un asistente de demostración para lógica de primer orden con extracción de testigos usando la traducción de Friedman. ~ Manuel Panichelli. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Logic